Alpha Company Wall
"We few, we happy few, we band of brothers,
for he today that sheds his blood with me, shall be my brother." William Shakespeare, Henry V (C 1599)
Robert E.
Bennett, Larry D.

Bishop, Ronald B.
Bowen, John L.
Carrell, Larry D.
Cofield, Jessie C.
Coulter, Donald C.
England, Robert B. II
Fielder, Donald R.
Forsberg, Jay Edward
Freund, Ernest E. Jr.
Herbert L.
Hammontree, Billy L.
Hanson, Danny L.
Hatfield, Jimmy D.
Holland, Charles R.
Jerry V.
Johnson, Ronnie L.
Harry G.
Edward G.
James M.
McWaters, Dalton H.
Moseley, Steven C.
Nazabal, Arturo A. Jr.
Newbrough, Gerald R.
Norris, Otis L. Jr.
Michael J.
Oplinger, David P.
Paniccia, Ronald J.
Picelle, Frank J. Jr.

Porter, William R.
Prescott, Steven J.
Rasnick, Sidney McArthur
Rivere, Alvin P.
Schubert, Willis J.
Schweighofer, Reed J.
Smeester, Daniel R.
Smith, John R. Jr.
Stribling, Victor B.
Donald D.
Vogler, Gale K.
Weborg, John C.
Kenneth D.
Welch, Randall E.
Woods, Ray H.
Woolley, Mack L.
Allen, Robert Eugene
Home of Record (official): OKLAHOMA CITY, OK
Date of Birth: Saturday, January 4, 1947
Sex: Male
Race: Caucasian
Marital Status: Single
Rank: SP4
Serial Number: 54661066
Component: Selective Service
Pay grade: E4
MOS (Military Occupational Specialty code): 11B20
Major Organization: 9th Infantry Division
Start of Tour: Tuesday, January 10, 1967
Date of Casualty: Saturday, October 14, 1967
Age at time of loss: 20
Casualty type: (A1) Hostile, died
Reason: Gun, small arms fire (Ground casualty)
Country: South VietNam
Province: Long An
The Wall: Panel 27E - Row 104
Ayers, Dennis Michael
Home of Record (official):
Date of Birth: August 31, 1948
Sex: Male
Race: Caucasian
Marital Status: Single
Rank: PFC
Serial Number:
Component: Selective Service
Pay grade: E3
MOS (Military Occupational Specialty code): 11B10
Major Organization: 9th Infantry Division
Start of Tour: November 24, 1968
Date of Casualty: December 22, 1968
Age at time of loss: 20
Casualty type: (A1) Hostile, died
Reason: Ground casualty
Country: South VietNam
Province: Long An
The Wall: Panel
Panel 36W - Row 060
Bennett, Larry Darrall
Home of Record (official): OKLAHOMA CITY, OK
Date of Birth: Thursday, February 26, 1948
Sex: Male
Race: Caucasian
Marital Status: Single
Rank: SGT
Serial Number: 54667536
Component: Selective Service
Pay grade: E5
MOS (Military Occupational Specialty code): 11B40
Major Organization: 9th Infantry Division
Start of Tour: Monday, August 26, 1968
Date of Casualty: Friday, October 18, 1968
Age at time of loss: 20
Casualty type: (A1) Hostile, died
Reason: Gun, small arms fire (Ground casualty)
Country: South VietNam
Province: Dinh Tuong
The Wall: Panel 41W - Row 072
Bishop, Ronald Burk
Home of Record (official): HAZELWOOD, MO
Date of Birth: Tuesday, August 17, 1948
Sex: Male
Race: Caucasian
Marital Status: Married
Rank: SSG
Serial Number: 523640592
Component: Selective Service
Pay grade: E6
MOS (Military Occupational Specialty code): 11B40
Major Organization: 9th Infantry Division
Start of Tour: Sunday, December 1, 1968
Date of Casualty: Wednesday, September 17, 1969
Age at time of loss: 21
Casualty type: (A1) Hostile, died
Reason: Gun, small arms fire (Ground casualty)
Country: South VietNam
Province: Long An
The Wall: Panel 18W - Row 100
Bowen, John Lewis
Home of Record (official): MONTEREY, CA
Date of Birth: Tuesday, July 25, 1950
Sex: Male
Race: Caucasian
Marital Status: Single
Rank: PFC
Serial Number: 56842744
Component: Selective Service
Pay grade: E3
MOS (Military Occupational Specialty code): 11B10
Major Organization: 9th Infantry Division
Start of Tour: Sunday, May 11, 1969
Date of Casualty: Thursday, June 26, 1969
Age at time of loss: 18
Casualty type: (A2) Hostile, died of wounds
Reason: Other explosive device (Ground casualty)
Country: South VietNam
Province: Long An
The Wall: Panel 21W - Row 017
Carrell, Larry Dale
Home of Record (official): LAWRENCEVILLE, IL
Date of Birth: Thursday, February 21, 1946
Sex: Male
Race: Caucasian
Marital Status: Single
Rank: SGT
Serial Number: 17698539
Component: Regular
Pay grade: E5
MOS (Military Occupational Specialty code): 11B40
Major Organization: 9th Infantry Division
Start of Tour: Sunday, October 15, 1967
Date of Casualty: Saturday, October 28, 1967
Age at time of loss: 21
Casualty type: (A1) Hostile, died
Reason: Gun, small arms fire (Ground casualty)
Country: South VietNam
Province: Long An
The Wall: Panel 28E - Row 090
Cofield, Jessie Clifford
Home of Record (official): NEWNAN, GA
Date of Birth: Friday, August 2, 1946
Sex: Male
Race: Caucasian
Marital Status: Single
Rank: CPL
Serial Number: 53448865
Component: Selective Service
Posthumous promotion as indicated
Pay grade: E3
MOS (Military Occupational Specialty code): 11B20
Major Organization: 9th Infantry Division
Start of Tour: Thursday, February 23, 1967
Date of Casualty: Wednesday, September 13, 1967
Age at time of loss: 21
Casualty type: (A1) Hostile, died
Reason: Gun, small arms fire (Ground casualty)
Country: South VietNam
Province: Dinh Tuong
The Wall: Panel 26E - Row 065
Coulter, Donald Clay
Home of Record (official): MARYVILLE, TN
Date of Birth: Thursday, October 12, 1944
Sex: Male
Race: Caucasian
Marital Status: Single
Rank: PFC
Serial Number: 53754983
Component: Selective Service
Pay grade: E3
MOS (Military Occupational Specialty code): 11B10
Major Organization: 9th Infantry Division
Start of Tour: Friday, April 7, 1967
Date of Casualty: Monday, August 7, 1967
Age at time of loss: 22
Casualty type: (A1) Hostile, died
Reason: Gun, small arms fire (Ground casualty)
Country: South VietNam
Province: Dinh Tuong
The Wall: Panel 24E - Row 086
England, Robert Blair II
Home of Record (official): WHITTIER, CA
Date of Birth: Tuesday, June 8, 1948
Sex: Male
Race: Caucasian
Marital Status: Single
Rank: PFC
Serial Number: 56706461
Component: Selective Service
Pay grade: E3
MOS (Military Occupational Specialty code): 11B10
Major Organization: 9th Infantry Division
Start of Tour: Tuesday, October 31, 1967
Date of Casualty: Monday, January 29, 1968
Age at time of loss: 19
Casualty type: (A1) Hostile, died
Reason: Misadventure (possibly friendly fire) (Ground casualty)
Country: South VietNam
Province: Long An
The Wall: Panel 35E - Row 059
Faller, Joel Edward
Home of Record (official): READING, PA
Date of Birth: Wednesday, January 1, 1947
Sex: Male
Race: Caucasian
Marital Status: Single
Rank: SP4
Serial Number: 52678232
Component: Selective Service
Pay grade: E4
MOS (Military Occupational Specialty code): 11B20
Major Organization: 9th Infantry Division
Start of Tour: Sunday, June 4, 1967
Date of Casualty: Tuesday, August 22, 1967
Age at time of loss: 20
Casualty type: (A1) Hostile, died
Reason: Gun, small arms fire (Ground casualty)
Country: South VietNam
Province: Bien Hoa
The Wall: Panel 25E - Row 028
Fielder, Donald Reed II
Home of Record (official): ROCHESTER, MI
Date of Birth: Friday, September 27, 1946
Sex: Male
Race: Caucasian
Marital Status: Single
Rank: PFC
Serial Number: 55896738
Component: Selective Service
Pay grade: E3
MOS (Military Occupational Specialty code): 11B10
Major Organization: 9th Inf Div
Start of Tour: Thursday, December 1, 1966
Date of Casualty: Saturday, April 22, 1967
Age at time of loss: 20
Casualty type: (A1) Hostile, died
Reason: Other explosive device (Ground casualty)
Country: South VietNam
Province: Unknown/Not Reported
The Wall: Panel 18E - Row 069
Forsberg, Jay Edward
Home of Record (official): WILLIAMSTON, MI
Date of Birth: Friday, July 30, 1948
Sex: Male
Race: Caucasian
Marital Status: Single
Rank: PFC
Serial Number: 54961336
Component: Selective Service
Pay grade: E3
MOS (Military Occupational Specialty code): 11B10
Major Organization: 9th Infantry Division
Start of Tour: Monday, April 24, 1967
Date of Casualty: Sunday, July 2, 1967
Age at time of loss: 18
Casualty type: (A2) Hostile, died of wounds
Reason: Multiple fragmentation wounds (Ground casualty)
Country: South VietNam
Province: Long An
The Wall: Panel 22E - Row 101
Freund, Ernest Elwood Jr.
Home of Record (official): SOUTH BEND, IN
Date of Birth: Wednesday, July 11, 1945
Sex: Male
Race: Caucasian
Marital Status: Single
Branch: Bravo Company, 5th Battalion, 60th Infantry
Rank: PFC
Serial Number: 54816616
Component: Selective Service
Pay grade: E3
MOS (Military Occupational Specialty code): 11B10
Major Organization: 9th Infantry Division
Start of Tour: Wednesday, October 25, 1967
Date of Casualty: Wednesday, January 31, 1968
Age at time of loss: 22
Casualty type: (A1) Hostile, died
Reason: Multiple fragmentation wounds (Ground casualty)
Country: South VietNam
Province: Gia Dinh
The Wall: Panel 36E - Row 009
Gay, Herbert Lyman
Home of Record (official): BURNEYVILLE, OK
Date of Birth: Tuesday, April 12, 1949
Sex: Male
Race: Caucasian
Marital Status: Married
Rank: PFC
Serial Number: 67196735
Component: Regular
Pay grade: E3
MOS (Military Occupational Specialty code): 11C10
Major Organization: 9th Infantry Division
Start of Tour: Sunday, April 13, 1969
Date of Casualty: Saturday, May 17, 1969
Age at time of loss: 20
Casualty type: (C1) Non-hostile, died of other causes
Reason: Unknown / Not reported (Ground casualty)
Country: South VietNam
Province: Long An
The Wall: Panel 24W - Row 030
Gray, Delacy
Home of Record (official): ELBA, AL
Date of Birth: Monday, August 27, 1945
Sex: Male
Race: Negro
Marital Status: Single
Rank: PFC
Serial Number: 53428304
Component: Selective Service
Pay grade: E3
MOS (Military Occupational Specialty code): 11B10
Major Organization: 9th Infantry Division
Start of Tour: Monday, November 28, 1966
Date of Casualty: Thursday, February 23, 1967
Age at time of loss: 21
Casualty type: (A2) Hostile, died of wounds
Reason: Other explosive device (Ground casualty)
Country: South VietNam
Province: Military Region 4
The Wall: Panel 15E - Row 079
Hammontree, Billy Leon
Home of Record (official): ROSEPINE, LA
Date of Birth: Tuesday, February 9, 1937
Sex: Male
Race: Caucasian
Marital Status: Married
Rank: SSG
Serial Number: 18434434
Component: Regular
Pay grade: E6
MOS (Military Occupational Specialty code): 11B40
Major Organization: 9th Infantry Division
Start of Tour: Thursday, December 1, 1966
Date of Casualty: Sunday, May 28, 1967
Age at time of loss: 30
Casualty type: (A1) Hostile, died
Reason: Other explosive device (Ground casualty)
Country: South VietNam
Province: Long An
The Wall: Panel 21E - Row 004
Hanson, Danny Leroy
Home of Record (official): STIRUM, ND
Date of Birth: Wednesday, August 21, 1946
Sex: Male
Race: Caucasian
Marital Status: Married
Rank: SP4
Serial Number: 55931883
Component: Selective Service
Pay grade: E4
MOS (Military Occupational Specialty code): 11B20
Major Organization: 9th Infantry Division
Start of Tour: Monday, October 14, 1968
Date of Casualty: Saturday, March 8, 1969
Age at time of loss: 22
Casualty type: (A1) Hostile, died
Reason: Other causes (Ground casualty)
Country: South VietNam
Province: Long An
The Wall: Panel 30W - Row 075
Hatfield, Jimmy Dale
Home of Record (official): JOPLIN, MO
Date of Birth: Sunday, June 22, 1947
Sex: Male
Race: Caucasian
Marital Status: Single
Rank: PFC
Serial Number: 55987233
Component: Selective Service
Pay grade: E3
MOS (Military Occupational Specialty code): 11B10
Major Organization: 9th Infantry Division
Start of Tour: Saturday, September 16, 1967
Date of Casualty: Tuesday, September 26, 1967
Age at time of loss: 20
Casualty type: (A2) Hostile, died of wounds
Reason: Multiple fragmentation wounds (Ground casualty)
Country: South VietNam
Province: Long An
The Wall: Panel 27E - Row 015
Holland, Charles Ralph
Home of Record (official): PLEASANT SHADE, TN
Date of Birth: Tuesday, June 26, 1945
Sex: Male
Race: Caucasian
Marital Status: Single
Rank: PFC
Serial Number: 67115048
Component: Selective Service
Pay grade: E3
MOS (Military Occupational Specialty code): 11B10
Major Organization: 9th Infantry Division
Start of Tour: Friday, December 1, 1967
Date of Casualty: Tuesday, December 19, 1967
Age at time of loss: 22
Casualty type: (A1) Hostile, died
Reason: Multiple fragmentation wounds (Ground casualty)
Country: South VietNam
Province: Long An
The Wall: Panel 32E - Row 023
Horn, Jerry Verne
Home of Record (official): SOLDOTNA, AK
Date of Birth: Tuesday, August 25, 1942
Sex: Male
Race: Caucasian
Marital Status: Single
Rank: SP4
Serial Number: 56313646
Component: Regular
Pay grade: E4
MOS (Military Occupational Specialty code): 11B20
Major Organization: 9th Infantry Division
Start of Tour: Saturday, April 1, 1967
Date of Casualty: Saturday, September 16, 1967
Age at time of loss: 25
Casualty type: (A1) Hostile, died
Reason: Gun, small arms fire (Ground casualty)
Country: South VietNam
Province: Dinh Tuong
The Wall: Panel 26E - Row 079
Johnson, Ronnie Lloyd
Home of Record (official): MEEKER, OK
Date of Birth: Monday, February 5, 1951
Sex: Male
Race: Caucasian
Marital Status: Single
Rank: PFC
Serial Number: 443509348
Component: Regular
Pay grade: E3
MOS (Military Occupational Specialty code): 11B10
Major Organization: 9th Infantry Division
Start of Tour: Sunday, December 21, 1969
Date of Casualty: Saturday, April 11, 1970
Age at time of loss: 19
Casualty type: (A1) Hostile, died
Reason: Gun, small arms fire (Ground casualty)
Country: South VietNam
Province: Long An
The Wall: Panel 12W - Row 124
Koyl, Harry Glenn
HHC Company
Lacey, Edward
Home of Record (official):
Date of Birth: January 30, 1948
Sex: Male
Race: Negro
Marital Status: Single
Rank: PFC
Serial Number:
Selective Service
Pay grade: E3
MOS (Military Occupational Specialty code):
Major Organization:
9th Infantry Division
Start of Tour: March 10, 1967
Date of Casualty: May 28, 1967
Age at time of loss: 19
Casualty type: (A1) Hostile, died
Other Explosive Device
Country: South VietNam
Province: Long An
The Wall:
Panel 21E - Row 005
Loso, James Michael
Home of Record (official): PINCKNEY, MI
Date of Birth: Tuesday, February 29, 1944
Sex: Male
Race: Caucasian
Marital Status: Single
Rank: PFC
Serial Number: 54955759
Component: Selective Service
Pay grade: E3
MOS (Military Occupational Specialty code): 12A10
Major Organization: 9th Infantry Division
Start of Tour: Tuesday, February 28, 1967
Date of Casualty: Saturday, June 10, 1967
Age at time of loss: 23
Casualty type: (A1) Hostile, died
Reason: Multiple fragmentation wounds (Ground casualty)
Country: South VietNam
Province: Long An
The Wall: Panel 21E - Row 083
McWaters, Dalton Hubert
Home of Record (official): MULBERRY, FL
Date of Birth: Tuesday, September 6, 1949
Sex: Male
Race: Caucasian
Marital Status: Single
Rank: CPL
Serial Number: 12887685
Component: Regular
Posthumous promotion as indicated
Pay grade: E3
MOS (Military Occupational Specialty code): 11B10
Major Organization: 9th Infantry Division
Start of Tour: Tuesday, April 2, 1968
Date of Casualty: Tuesday, May 7, 1968
Age at time of loss: 18
Casualty type: (A1) Hostile, died
Reason: Multiple fragmentation wounds (Ground casualty)
Country: South VietNam
Province: Long An
The Wall: Panel 56E - Row 028
Moseley, Steven C.
Home of Record (official): MOLINE, IL
Date of Birth: Sunday, November 19, 1944
Sex: Male
Race: Caucasian
Marital Status: Single
Rank: SGT
Serial Number: 54800019
Component: Selective Service
Posthumous promotion as indicated
Pay grade: E4
MOS (Military Occupational Specialty code): 11B20
Major Organization: 9th Infantry Division
Start of Tour: Tuesday, January 10, 1967
Date of Casualty: Tuesday, December 12, 1967
Age at time of loss: 23
Casualty type: (A2) Hostile, died of wounds
Reason: Artillery, rocket, mortar (Ground casualty)
Country: South VietNam
Province: Gia Dinh
The Wall: Panel 31E - Row 084
Nazabal, Arturo Alberto Jr.
Home of Record (official): MERCED, CA
Date of Birth: Friday, June 2, 1950
Sex: Male
Race: Caucasian
Marital Status: Single
Rank: SP4
Serial Number: 555680632
Component: Regular
Pay grade: E4
MOS (Military Occupational Specialty code): 91B20
Major Organization:
HHC Co., 9th Infantry Division
Start of Tour: Monday, April 7, 1969
Date of Casualty: Saturday, August 16, 1969
Age at time of loss: 19
Casualty type: (A1) Hostile, died
Reason: Multiple fragmentation wounds (Ground casualty)
Country: South VietNam
Province: Long An
The Wall: Panel 19W - Row 051
Newbrough, Gerald Raymond
Home of Record (official): ALDEN, MN
Date of Birth: Friday, June 14, 1946
Sex: Male
Race: Caucasian
Marital Status: Married
Rank: SGT
Serial Number: 17738193
Component: Regular
Pay grade: E5
MOS (Military Occupational Specialty code): 11B40
Major Organization: 9th Infantry Division
Start of Tour: Tuesday, October 3, 1967
Date of Casualty: Tuesday, December 12, 1967
Age at time of loss: 21
Casualty type: (A2) Hostile, died of wounds
Reason: Multiple fragmentation wounds (Ground casualty)
Country: South VietNam
Province: Long An
The Wall: Panel 31E - Row 084
Norris, Otis Leslie Jr.
Home of Record (official): CHAMPAIGN, IL
Date of Birth: Tuesday, April 16, 1946
Sex: Male
Race: Caucasian
Marital Status: Single
Rank: SSG
Serial Number: 54821843
Component: Selective Service
Pay grade: E6
MOS (Military Occupational Specialty code): 11B40
Major Organization: 9th Infantry Division
Start of Tour: Tuesday, August 20, 1968
Date of Casualty: Friday, October 18, 1968
Age at time of loss: 22
Casualty type: (A1) Hostile, died
Reason: Gun, small arms fire (Ground casualty)
Country: South VietNam
Province: Dinh Tuong
The Wall: Panel 40W - Row 001
Novak, Michael Joseph
Home of Record (official): GRAND BLANC, MI
Date of Birth: Wednesday, January 21, 1942
Sex: Male
Race: Caucasian
Marital Status: Single
Rank: CPL
Serial Number: 54975339
Component: Selective Service
Posthumous promotion as indicated
Pay grade: E3
MOS (Military Occupational Specialty code): 13A10 F.O.
Major Organization: 1st/11th Artillery, 9th Infantry Division
Start of Tour: Sunday, May 26, 1968
Date of Casualty: Sunday, October 27, 1968
Age at time of loss: 26
Casualty type: (A2) Hostile, died of wounds
Reason: Other explosive device (Ground casualty)
Country: South VietNam
Province: Dinh Tuong
The Wall: Panel 40W - Row 046
Oplinger, David Paul
Home of Record (official): ALLENTOWN
State (official): PA
Date of Birth: Monday, February 18, 1946
Sex: Male
Race: Caucasian
Marital Status: Married
Rank: SGT
Serial Number: 52640182
Component: Selective Service
Posthumous promotion as indicated
Pay grade: E4
MOS (Military Occupational Specialty code): 11B20
Major Organization: 9th Infantry Division
Start of Tour: Friday, December 9, 1966
Date of Casualty: Friday, June 16, 1967
Age at time of loss: 21
Casualty type: (A1) Hostile, died
Reason: Gun, small arms fire (Ground casualty)
Country: South VietNam
Province: Long An
The Wall: Panel 21E - Row 114
Paniccia, Ronald James
Home of Record (official): ROCHESTER, NY
Date of Birth: Thursday, April 7, 1949
Sex: Male
Race: Caucasian
Marital Status: Single
Rank: CPL
Serial Number: 11640942
Component: Regular
Posthumous promotion as indicated
Pay grade: E3
MOS (Military Occupational Specialty code): 11B10
Major Organization: 9th Infantry Division
Start of Tour: Sunday, July 28, 1968
Date of Casualty: Friday, November 22, 1968
Age at time of loss: 19
Casualty type: (A1) Hostile, died
Reason: Other explosive device (Ground casualty)
Country: South VietNam
Province: Long An
The Wall: Panel 38W - Row 037
Picelle, Frank John Jr.
Home of Record (official): KENT, OH
Date of Birth: Tuesday, May 4, 1948
Sex: Male
Race: Caucasian
Marital Status: Single
Rank: PFC
Serial Number: 51841872
Component: Selective Service
Pay grade: E3
MOS (Military Occupational Specialty code): 11B10
Major Organization: 9th Infantry Division
Start of Tour: Sunday, May 18, 1969
Date of Casualty: Sunday, June 15, 1969
Age at time of loss: 21
Casualty type: (A1) Hostile, died
Reason: Gun, small arms fire (Ground casualty)
Country: South VietNam
Province: Binh Long
The Wall: Panel 22W - Row 055
Porter, William Roy
Home of Record (official): ONEIDA, NY
Date of Birth: Wednesday, July 13, 1949
Sex: Male
Race: Caucasian
Marital Status: Single
Rank: SGT
Serial Number: 134401554
Component: Selective Service
Pay grade: E5
MOS (Military Occupational Specialty code): 11B40
Major Organization: 9th Infantry Division
Start of Tour: Thursday, September 4, 1969
Date of Casualty: Tuesday, June 2, 1970
Age at time of loss: 20
Casualty type: (A1) Hostile, died
Reason: Gun, small arms fire (Ground casualty)
Country: Cambodia
Province: Unknown/Not Reported
The Wall: Panel 09W - Row 002
Prescott, Steven James
Home of Record (official): BRIGHTWATERS, NY
Date of Birth: Friday, April 19, 1946
Sex: Male
Race: Caucasian
Marital Status: Single
Rank: PFC
Serial Number: 52762026
Component: Selective Service
Pay grade: E3
MOS (Military Occupational Specialty code): 11B10
Major Organization: 9th Infantry Division
Start of Tour: Wednesday, April 17, 1968
Date of Casualty: Wednesday, May 8, 1968
Age at time of loss: 22
Casualty type: (A1) Hostile, died
Reason: Multiple fragmentation wounds (Ground casualty)
Country: South VietNam
Province: Gia Dinh
The Wall: Panel 57E - Row 008
Rasnick, Sidney Mc Arthur
Home of Record (official): CLAWSON
State (official): MI
Date of Birth: Wednesday, August 23, 1944
Sex: Male
Race: Caucasian
Marital Status: Married
Rank: PFC
Serial Number: 54962005
Component: Selective Service
Pay grade: E3
MOS (Military Occupational Specialty code): 11B20
Major Organization: 9th Infantry Division
Start of Tour: Friday, April 28, 1967
Date of Casualty: Wednesday, September 13, 1967
Age at time of loss: 23
Casualty type: (A1) Hostile, died
Reason: Gun, small arms fire (Ground casualty)
Country: South VietNam
Province: Dinh Tuong
The Wall: Panel 26E - Row 067
Rivere, Alvin Pierie
Home of Record (official): NAPOLEONVILLE, LA
Date of Birth: Tuesday, February 10, 1942
Sex: Male
Race: Caucasian
Marital Status: Single
Rank: PFC
Serial Number: 67133507
Component: Selective Service
Pay grade: E3
MOS (Military Occupational Specialty code): 11C20
Major Organization: 9th Infantry Division
Start of Tour: Tuesday, October 17, 1967
Date of Casualty: Saturday, October 28, 1967
Age at time of loss: 25
Casualty type: (A1) Hostile, died
Reason: Gun, small arms fire (Ground casualty)
Country: South VietNam
Province: Long An
The Wall: Panel 28E - Row 093
Schubert, Willis Junior
Home of Record (official): EAST STROUDSBURG, PA
Date of Birth: Tuesday, August 5, 1947
Sex: Male
Race: Caucasian
Marital Status: Married
Rank: PFC
Serial Number: 52986862
Component: Selective Service
Pay grade: E3
MOS (Military Occupational Specialty code): 11B10
Major Organization: 9th Infantry Division
Start of Tour: Saturday, October 7, 1967
Date of Casualty: Saturday, October 28, 1967
Age at time of loss: 20
Casualty type: (A2) Hostile, died of wounds
Reason: Multiple fragmentation wounds (Ground casualty)
Country: South VietNam
Province: Long An
The Wall: Panel 28E - Row 094
Schweighofer, Reed Jay
Home of Record (official): HONESDALE, PA
Date of Birth: Friday, January 26, 1945
Sex: Male
Race: Caucasian
Marital Status: Single
Rank: PFC
Serial Number: 52987228
Component: Selective Service
Pay grade: E3
MOS (Military Occupational Specialty code): 11D10
Major Organization: 9th Infantry Division
Start of Tour: Sunday, January 7, 1968
Date of Casualty: Tuesday, March 5, 1968
Age at time of loss: 23
Casualty type: (A1) Hostile, died
Reason: Gun, small arms fire (Ground casualty)
Country: South VietNam
Province: Dinh Tuong
The Wall: Panel 43E - Row 010
Smeester, Daniel Raymond
Home of Record (official): GREEN BAY, WI
Date of Birth: Wednesday, January 22, 1947
Sex: Male
Race: Caucasian
Marital Status: Single
Rank: CPL
Serial Number: 55880948
Component: Selective Service
Posthumous promotion as indicated
Pay grade: E3
MOS (Military Occupational Specialty code): 11B10
Major Organization: 9th Infantry Division
Start of Tour: Thursday, December 1, 1966
Date of Casualty: Saturday, July 1, 1967
Age at time of loss: 20
Casualty type: (A1) Hostile, died
Reason: Gun, small arms fire (Ground casualty)
Country: South VietNam
Province: Long An
The Wall: Panel 22E - Row 093
Smith, John Robert Jr.
Home of Record (official): WASHINGTON, DC
Date of Birth: Thursday, September 4, 1947
Sex: Male
Race: Negro
Marital Status: Single
Rank: CPL
Serial Number: 11570160
Component: Regular
Posthumous promotion as indicated
Pay grade: E3
MOS (Military Occupational Specialty code): 11B10
Major Organization: 9th Infantry Division
Start of Tour: Sunday, April 30, 1967
Date of Casualty: Wednesday, February 28, 1968
Age at time of loss: 20
Casualty type: (A1) Hostile, died
Reason: Burns (Ground casualty)
Country: South VietNam
Province: Dinh Tuong
The Wall: Panel 41E - Row 073
Stribling, Victor Bernard
Home of Record (official): LOS ANGELES
State (official): CA
Date of Birth: Tuesday, August 10, 1948
Sex: Male
Race: Negro
Marital Status: Single
Rank: SP4
Serial Number: 547769018
Component: Selective Service
Pay grade: E4
MOS (Military Occupational Specialty code): 11B20
Major Organization: 9th Infantry Division
Start of Tour: Tuesday, June 10, 1969
Date of Casualty: Wednesday, January 21, 1970
Age at time of loss: 21
Casualty type: (A1) Hostile, died
Reason: Multiple fragmentation wounds (Ground casualty)
Country: South VietNam
Province: Long An
The Wall: Panel 14W - Row 056
Tripp, Donald Delmore
Home of Record (official): BROCKTON, MA
Date of Birth: Friday, May 28, 1943
Sex: Male
Race: Caucasian
Marital Status: Married
Rank: SP4
Serial Number: 007400798
Component: Selective Service
Pay grade: E4
MOS (Military Occupational Specialty code): 11B20
Major Organization: 9th Infantry Division
Start of Tour: Friday, June 6, 1969
Date of Casualty: Wednesday, August 20, 1969
Age at time of loss: 26
Casualty type: (A1) Hostile, died
Reason: Other explosive device (Ground casualty)
Country: South VietNam
Province: Long An
The Wall: Panel 19W - Row 083
Vogler, Gale Kurk
Home of Record (official): EAST MOLINE, IL
Date of Birth: Friday, February 22, 1946
Sex: Male
Race: Caucasian
Marital Status: Married
Rank: SP4
Serial Number: 54800065
Component: Selective Service
Pay grade: E4
MOS (Military Occupational Specialty code): 11B20
Major Organization: 9th Infantry Division
Start of Tour: Thursday, December 1, 1966
Date of Casualty: Saturday, March 11, 1967
Age at time of loss: 21
Casualty type: (A2) Hostile, died of wounds
Reason: Other explosive device (Ground casualty)
Country: South VietNam
Province: Dinh Tuong
The Wall: Panel 16E - Row 066
Voyt, Edward
Home of Record (official): CLEVELAND, OH
Date of Birth: Monday, October 29, 1945
Sex: Male
Race: Caucasian
Marital Status: Single
Rank: PFC
Serial Number: 51840655
Component: Selective Service
Pay grade: E3
MOS (Military Occupational Specialty code): 11B10
Major Organization: 9th Infantry Division
Start of Tour: Sunday, May 18, 1969
Date of Casualty: Sunday, June 15, 1969
Age at time of loss: 23
Casualty type: (A1) Hostile, died
Reason: Other explosive device (Ground casualty)
Country: South VietNam
Province: Binh Long
The Wall: Panel 22W - Row 056
Weborg, John Charles
Home of Record (official): MODESTO, CA
Date of Birth: Thursday, January 13, 1944
Sex: Male
Race: Caucasian
Marital Status: Single
Rank: CPL
Serial Number: 56404043
Component: Selective Service
Posthumous promotion as indicated
Pay grade: E3
MOS (Military Occupational Specialty code): 11B10
Major Organization: 9th Infantry Division
Start of Tour: Wednesday, November 30, 1966
Date of Casualty: Monday, January 23, 1967
Age at time of loss: 23
Casualty type: (A1) Hostile, died
Reason: Misadventure (possibly friendly fire) (Ground casualty)
Country: South VietNam
Province: Bien Hoa
The Wall: Panel 14E - Row 072
Weis, Kenneth D.
Home of Record (official): SALINA, KS
Date of Birth: Tuesday, June 3, 1930
Sex: Male
Race: Caucasian
Marital Status: Married
Rank: MSG
Serial Number: 55220578
Component: Regular
Posthumous promotion as indicated
Pay grade: E7
MOS (Military Occupational Specialty code): 11B40
Major Organization: 9th Infantry Division
Start of Tour: Thursday, December 1, 1966
Date of Casualty: Wednesday, September 13, 1967
Age at time of loss: 37
Casualty type: (A3) Hostile, died while missing
Reason: Gun, small arms fire (Ground casualty)
Country: South VietNam
Province: Phuoc Tuy
The Wall: Panel 26E - Row 068
Welch, Randall Edward
Home of Record (official): COVINGTON, KY
Date of Birth: Thursday, February 19, 1948
Sex: Male
Race: Caucasian
Marital Status: Married
Rank: SGT
Serial Number: 51800929
Component: Selective Service
Pay grade: E5
MOS (Military Occupational Specialty code): 11C40
Major Organization: 9th Infantry Division
Start of Tour: Saturday, August 31, 1968
Date of Casualty: Friday, October 18, 1968
Age at time of loss: 20
Casualty type: (A1) Hostile, died
Reason: Gun, small arms fire (Ground casualty)
Country: South VietNam
Province: Dinh Tuong
The Wall: Panel 40W - Row 001
Woods, Ray Houston
Home of Record (official): CEDARTOWN, GA
Date of Birth: Saturday, March 15, 1947
Sex: Male
Race: Caucasian
Marital Status: Single
Rank: SP4
Serial Number: 53452502
Component: Selective Service
Pay grade: E4
MOS (Military Occupational Specialty code): 11B20
Major Organization: 9th Infantry Division
Start of Tour: Friday, October 13, 1967
Date of Casualty: Sunday, March 3, 1968
Age at time of loss: 20
Casualty type: (A2) Hostile, died of wounds
Reason: Multiple fragmentation wounds (Ground casualty)
Country: South VietNam
Province: Dinh Tuong
The Wall: Panel 42E - Row 059
Woolley, Mack L.
Home of Record (official): PLACENTIA, CA
Date of Birth: Tuesday, July 31, 1945
Sex: Male
Race: Caucasian
Marital Status: Single
Rank: SGT
Serial Number: 56688096
Component: Selective Service
Posthumous promotion as indicated
Pay grade: E4
MOS (Military Occupational Specialty code): 11B10
Major Organization: 9th Infantry Division
Start of Tour: Tuesday, January 10, 1967
Date of Casualty: Wednesday, September 27, 1967
Age at time of loss: 22
Casualty type: (A2) Hostile, died of wounds
Reason: Multiple fragmentation wounds (Ground casualty)
Country: South VietNam
Province: Long An
The Wall: Panel 27E - Row 023