Headquarters Company Wall
"We few, we happy few, we band of brothers,
for he today that sheds his blood with me, shall be my brother." William Shakespeare, Henry V (C 1599)
Timothy C.
Barnes, Robert S.
Bethune, Donald R.
Bowman, Donald R.
Brefczynski, Edward J.
Brooks, David T.

Brownotter, Lawrence D.
Caldwell, Richard B.
Cardenas, Manuel II
Collins, Floyd E. Jr.
Dawson, Eugene
Thomas J.
Degerolamo, Anthony Jr.
Duschek, Rudi H.
Fischer, Dennis W.
Garner, Ronald R.
Griffin, Donald O.

Hamby, Kirby L.
Earl W.
Hurst, Ronald C.
Harry G.
James T.
Luckey, James A.
David R.
Marroquin, Pedro Jr.
McGarvey, William B.
Milbrodt, Gerald L.
Miner, Michael D.
Allen L.
Peake, Joe L.
Larry J.
Cullen W.
Ramos, Roland R.
Reistroffer, Daniel P.

Scala, Richard M.
Scott, Hugh D.
Sikorski, Leo P.
Smalls, Bernard A.
Smith, Tommy L.
Steffens, Walter
Tiffany, David L.
Westphal, Glenn A.
Zeller, Michael C.
Agard, Timothy Charles
Home of Record (official): JANESVILLE, WI
Date of Birth: Tuesday, July 13, 1948
Sex: Male
Race: Caucasian
Marital Status: Single
Rank: SP4
Serial Number: 16967248
Component: Regular
Pay grade: E4
MOS (Military Occupational Specialty code): 95C20
Major Organization: 9th Infantry Division
Start of Tour: Friday, October 20, 1967
Date of Casualty: Monday, February 19, 1968
Age at time of loss: 19
Casualty type: (A2) Hostile, died of wounds
Reason: Gun, small arms fire (Ground casualty)
Country: South VietNam
Province: Long An
The Wall: Panel 40E - Row 017
Barnes, Robert Sewell
Home of Record (official): PORT BYRON, NY
Date of Birth: Friday, May 10, 1946
Sex: Male
Race: Caucasian
Marital Status: Single
Rank: PFC
Serial Number: 52966663
Component: Selective Service
Pay grade: E3
MOS (Military Occupational Specialty code): 11B10
Major Organization: 9th Infantry Division
Start of Tour: Friday, June 2, 1967
Date of Casualty: Thursday, September 7, 1967
Age at time of loss: 21
Casualty type: (A1) Hostile, died
Reason: Other explosive device (Ground casualty)
Country: South VietNam
Province: Long An
The Wall: Panel 26E - Row 021
Bethune, Robert Edwin
Home of Record (official): MASSILLON, OH
Date of Birth: Friday, December 20, 1946
Sex: Male
Race: Caucasian
Marital Status: Single
Rank: SP4
Serial Number: 52671113
Component: Selective Service
Pay grade: E4
MOS (Military Occupational Specialty code): 11H10
Major Organization: 9th Infantry Division
Start of Tour: Thursday, December 1, 1966
Date of Casualty: Thursday, January 12, 1967
Age at time of loss: 20
Casualty type: (A1) Hostile, died
Reason: Other explosive device (Ground casualty)
Country: South VietNam
Province: Kien Tuong
The Wall: Panel 14E - Row 014
First KIA in the 5th Battalion in Vietnam
Bowman, Donald Robert
Home of Record (official): LAWRENCE, KS
Date of Birth: Monday, November 24, 1947
Sex: Male
Race: Caucasian
Marital Status: Single
Rank: PFC
Serial Number: 55987932
Component: Selective Service
Pay grade: E3
MOS (Military Occupational Specialty code): 11B10
Major Organization: 9th Infantry Division
Start of Tour: Sunday, December 24, 1967
Date of Casualty: Thursday, February 8, 1968
Age at time of loss: 20
Casualty type: (A1) Hostile, died
Reason: Gun, small arms fire (Ground casualty)
Country: South VietNam
Province: Dinh Tuong
The Wall: Panel 38E - Row 021
Brefczynski, Edward Joseph
Home of Record (official): TWO RIVERS, WI
Date of Birth: Tuesday, December 15, 1931
Sex: Male
Race: Caucasian
Marital Status: Married
Branch: Army
Rank: MSG
Serial Number: 16317063
Component: Regular
Posthumous promotion as indicated
Pay grade: E7
MOS (Military Occupational Specialty code): 76Y40
Major Organization: 9th
Infantry Division
Start of Tour: Saturday, January 20, 1968
Date of Casualty: Saturday, February 10, 1968
Age at time of loss: 36
Casualty type: (A1) Hostile, died
Reason: Artillery, rocket, mortar (Ground casualty)
Country: South VietNam
Province: Long An
The Wall: Panel 38E - Row 064
Brooks, David T.
Home of Record (official): TECUMSEH, MI
Date of Birth: Tuesday, October 12, 1943
Sex: Male
Race: Caucasian
Marital Status: Married
Rank: SSG
Serial Number: 16745842
Component: Regular
Pay grade: E6
MOS (Military Occupational Specialty code): 11B40
Major Organization: 9th Infantry Division
Start of Tour: Wednesday, October 4, 1967
Date of Casualty: Saturday, November 18, 1967
Age at time of loss: 24
Casualty type: (A1) Hostile, died
Reason: Multiple fragmentation wounds (Ground casualty)
Country: South VietNam
Province: Dinh Tuong
The Wall: Panel 30E - Row 013
Brownotter, Lawrence Dean
Home of Record (official): BULLHEAD, SD
Date of Birth: Saturday, December 9, 1944
Sex: Male
Race: Caucasian
Marital Status: Single
Rank: CPL
Serial Number: 504521410
Component: Regular
Posthumous promotion as indicated
Pay grade: E3
MOS (Military Occupational Specialty code): 11C1P
Major Organization: 9th Infantry Division
Start of Tour: Monday, June 5, 1967
Date of Casualty: Saturday, November 18, 1967
Age at time of loss: 22
Casualty type: (A2) Hostile, died of wounds
Reason: Multiple fragmentation wounds (Ground casualty)
Country: South VietNam
Province: Dinh Tuong
The Wall: Panel 30E - Row 013
Caldwell, Richard Bruce Jr.
Home of Record (official): ORLANDO, FL
Date of Birth: Saturday, January 27, 1945
Sex: Male
Race: Caucasian
Marital Status: Single
Rank: SGT
Serial Number: 53699870
Component: Selective Service
Posthumous promotion as indicated
Pay grade: E4
MOS (Military Occupational Specialty code): 91B20
Major Organization:
HHC Co., 9th Infantry Division
Start of Tour: Wednesday, January 17, 1968
Date of Casualty: Monday, May 13, 1968
Age at time of loss: 23
Casualty type: (A1) Hostile, died
Reason: Multiple fragmentation wounds (Ground casualty)
Country: South VietNam
Province: Long An
The Wall: Panel 59E - Row 018
Cardenas, Manuel II
Home of Record (official): ST PAUL, MN
Date of Birth: Friday, March 23, 1945
Sex: Male
Race: Caucasian
Marital Status: Single
Rank: SP4
Serial Number: 55846375
Component: Selective Service
Pay grade: E4
MOS (Military Occupational Specialty code): 11B20
Major Organization: 9th Infantry Division
Start of Tour: Thursday, December 1, 1966
Date of Casualty: Wednesday, March 8, 1967
Age at time of loss: 21
Casualty type: (A3) Hostile, died while missing
Reason: Multiple fragmentation wounds (Ground casualty)
Country: South VietNam
Province: Long An
The Wall: Panel 16E - Row 039
Collins, Floyd Eugene Jr.
Home of Record (official): LITHONIA, GA
Date of Birth: Wednesday, March 13, 1946
Sex: Male
Race: Caucasian
Marital Status: Single
Rank: SP5
Serial Number: 53413743
Component: Selective Service
Pay grade: E5
MOS (Military Occupational Specialty code): 91B20
Major Organization:
HHC Co., 9th Infantry Division
Start of Tour: Thursday, December 1, 1966
Date of Casualty: Monday, October 9, 1967
Age at time of loss: 21
Casualty type: (A1) Hostile, died
Reason: Gun, small arms fire (Ground casualty)
Country: South VietNam
Province: Bien Hoa
The Wall: Panel 27E - Row 080
Dawson, Eugene
Home of Record (official): BENTREE, WV
Date of Birth: Friday, October 18, 1946
Sex: Male
Race: Caucasian
Marital Status: Single
Rank: SGT
Serial Number: 52628649
Component: Selective Service
Pay grade: E5
MOS (Military Occupational Specialty code): 11H40
Major Organization: 9th Infantry Division
Start of Tour: Thursday, December 1, 1966
Date of Casualty: Wednesday, May 17, 1967
Age at time of loss: 20
Casualty type: (A1) Hostile, died
Reason: Multiple fragmentation wounds (Ground casualty)
Country: South VietNam
Province: Long An
The Wall: Panel 20E - Row 014
Dean, Thomas Jolley
Home of Record (official): SCARSDALE, NY
Date of Birth: Saturday, May 15, 1943
Sex: Male
Race: Caucasian
Marital Status: Single
Rank: SP4
Serial Number: 16892513
Component: Regular
Pay grade: E4
MOS (Military Occupational Specialty code): 11B10
Major Organization: 9th Infantry Division
Start of Tour: Friday, October 27, 1967
Date of Casualty: Tuesday, January 9, 1968
Age at time of loss: 24
Casualty type: (A2) Hostile, died of wounds
Reason: Gun, small arms fire (Ground casualty)
Country: South VietNam
Province: Dinh Tuong
The Wall: Panel 34E - Row 006
Degerolamo, Anthony Jr.
Home of Record (official): WHEATLAND, PA
Date of Birth: Thursday, February 3, 1944
Sex: Male
Race: Caucasian
Marital Status: Single
Rank: CPL
Serial Number: 52853331
Component: Selective Service
Posthumous promotion as indicated
Pay grade: E3
MOS (Military Occupational Specialty code): 91B10
Major Organization:
HHC Co., 9th Infantry Division
Start of Tour: Saturday, January 6, 1968
Date of Casualty: Monday, February 5, 1968
Age at time of loss: 24
Casualty type: (A1) Hostile, died
Reason: Gun, small arms fire (Ground casualty)
Country: South VietNam
Province: Long An
The Wall: Panel 37E - Row 034
Duschek, Rudi Hermann
Home of Record (official): DAYTONA BEACH, FL
Date of Birth: Tuesday, December 4, 1945
Sex: Male
Race: Caucasian
Marital Status: Single
Rank: SP5
Serial Number: 53401245
Component: Selective Service
Pay grade: E5
MOS (Military Occupational Specialty code): 63C20
Major Organization:
HHC Co., 9th Infantry Division
Start of Tour: Thursday, December 1, 1966
Date of Casualty: Wednesday, April 12, 1967
Age at time of loss: 21
Casualty type: (A1) Hostile, died
Reason: Other explosive device (Ground casualty)
Country: South VietNam
Province: Long An
The Wall: Panel 18E - Row 018
Fischer, Dennis Wayne
Home of Record (official): JACKSONVILLE, AR
Date of Birth: Friday, July 1, 1949
Sex: Male
Race: Caucasian
Marital Status: Single
Rank: PFC
Serial Number: 12980544
Component: Regular
Pay grade: E3
MOS (Military Occupational Specialty code): 71T20
Major Organization: 9th Infantry Division
Start of Tour: Saturday, October 12, 1968
Date of Casualty: Sunday, December 29, 1968
Age at time of loss: 19
Casualty type: (C1) Non-hostile, died of other causes
Reason: Other accident (Ground casualty)
Country: South VietNam
Province: Long An
The Wall: Panel 35W - Row 004
Garner, Ronald Ray
Home of Record (official): LEESBURG, FL
Date of Birth: Thursday, November 3, 1949
Sex: Male
Race: Caucasian
Marital Status: Married
Rank: PFC
Serial Number: 12895000
Component: Regular
Pay grade: E3
MOS (Military Occupational Specialty code): 91A10
Major Organization:
HHC Co., 9th Infantry Division
Start of Tour: Tuesday, April 1, 1969
Date of Casualty: Sunday, June 15, 1969
Age at time of loss: 19
Casualty type: (A1) Hostile, died
Reason: Gun, small arms fire (Ground casualty)
Country: South VietNam
Province: Binh Long
The Wall: Panel 22W - Row 052
Griffin, Donald Orthel
Home of Record (official): KINLOCH, MO
Date of Birth: Thursday, March 20, 1941
Sex: Male
Race: Negro
Marital Status: Married
Rank: SGT
Serial Number: 17584286
Component: Regular
Pay grade: E5
MOS (Military Occupational Specialty code): 11D40
Major Organization: 9th Infantry Division
Start of Tour: Thursday, December 1, 1966
Date of Casualty: Friday, March 17, 1967
Age at time of loss: 25
Casualty type: (A1) Hostile, died
Reason: Gun, small arms fire (Ground casualty)
Country: South VietNam
Province: Dinh Tuong
The Wall: Panel 16E - Row 101
Hamby, Kirby Lynn
Home of Record (official): MARIETTA, GA
Date of Birth: Thursday, August 26, 1948
Sex: Male
Race: Caucasian
Marital Status: Single
Rank: SP4
Serial Number: 14938855
Component: Regular
Pay grade: E4
MOS (Military Occupational Specialty code): 11C20
Major Organization: 9th Infantry Division
Start of Tour: Wednesday, October 25, 1967
Date of Casualty: Saturday, June 8, 1968
Age at time of loss: 19
Casualty type: (C1) Non-hostile, died of other causes
Reason: Accidental self destruction (Ground casualty)
Country: South VietNam
Province: Long An
The Wall: Panel 58W - Row 003
Haug, Earl Warren
Home of Record (official): EVERETT, WA
Date of Birth: Saturday, December 23, 1944
Sex: Male
Race: Caucasian
Marital Status: Single
Rank: SGT
Serial Number: 56957372
Component: Selective Service
Posthumous promotion as indicated
Pay grade: E4
MOS (Military Occupational Specialty code): 11B20
Major Organization: 9th Infantry Division
Start of Tour: Monday, May 29, 1967
Date of Casualty: Saturday, February 10, 1968
Age at time of loss: 23
Casualty type: (A1) Hostile, died
Reason: Artillery, rocket, mortar (Ground casualty)
Country: South VietNam
Province: Long An
The Wall: Panel 38E - Row 068
Earl was a great
guy and great soldier. He was respected and liked by all who met him. I was
with him when he died and am a much better man for knowing him.
Paul Mount
Hurst, Ronald Charles
Home of Record (official): SPRINGFIELD, MA
Date of Birth: Sunday, March 17, 1946
Sex: Male
Race: Negro
Marital Status: Married
Rank: SP4
Serial Number: 11442166
Component: Regular
Posthumous promotion as indicated
Pay grade: E4
MOS (Military Occupational Specialty code): 71B20
Major Organization: 9th Infantry Division
Start of Tour: Friday, July 15, 1966
Date of Casualty: Wednesday, April 12, 1967
Age at time of loss: 21
Casualty type: (A1) Hostile, died
Reason: Other explosive device (Ground casualty)
Country: South VietNam
Province: Long An
The Wall: Panel 18E - Row 018
Koyl, Harry Glenn
Home of Record (official): DETROIT, MI
Date of Birth: Monday, March 18, 1946
Sex: Male
Race: Caucasian
Marital Status: Single
Rank: SGT
Serial Number: 16928693
Component: Regular
Posthumous promotion as indicated
Pay grade: E4
MOS (Military Occupational Specialty code): 91B20
Major Organization:
9th Infantry Division
Start of Tour: Monday, February 26, 1968
Date of Casualty: Tuesday, May 7, 1968
Age at time of loss: 22
Casualty type: (A1) Hostile, died
Reason: Multiple fragmentation wounds (Ground casualty)
Country: South VietNam
Province: Long An
The Wall: Panel 56E - Row 026
Love, James Thomas
Home of Record (official): CLEVELAND, OH
Date of Birth: Thursday, November 29, 1945
Sex: Male
Race: Negro
Marital Status: Single
Rank: SP4
Serial Number: 67018508
Component: Selective Service
Pay grade: E4
MOS (Military Occupational Specialty code): 91A10
Major Organization:
HHC Co., 9th Infantry Division
Start of Tour: Saturday, March 16, 1968
Date of Casualty: Sunday, July 7, 1968
Age at time of loss: 22
Casualty type: (C3) Non-hostile, died while missing
Reason: Drowned, suffocated (Ground casualty)
Country: South VietNam
Province: Long An
The Wall: Panel 53W - Row 037
Luckey, James Alfred
Home of Record (official): FORT MYERS, FL
Date of Birth: Friday, November 12, 1948
Sex: Male
Race: Caucasian
Marital Status: Single
Rank: SP4
Serial Number: 53580988
Component: Selective Service
Pay grade: E4
MOS (Military Occupational Specialty code): 91B20
Major Organization:
HHC Co., 9th Infantry Division
Start of Tour: Monday, September 2, 1968
Date of Casualty: Saturday, January 25, 1969
Age at time of loss: 20
Casualty type: (A1) Hostile, died
Reason: Gun, small arms fire (Ground casualty)
Country: South VietNam
Province: Dinh Tuong
The Wall: Panel 34W - Row 077
Mackey, David Randell
Home of Record (official): CALHOUN
State (official): KY
Date of Birth: Friday, July 19, 1940
Sex: Male
Race: Caucasian
Marital Status: Single
Rank: MAJ
Serial Number: 402565112
Component: Regular
Posthumous promotion as indicated
Pay grade: O3
MOS (Military Occupational Specialty code): 2162
Major Organization: 9th Infantry Division
Start of Tour: Monday, March 17, 1969
Date of Casualty: Wednesday, September 17, 1969
Age at time of loss: 29
Casualty type: (C1) Non-hostile, died of other causes
Reason: Air loss - Crashed on land (Helicopter, non-crew)
Country: South VietNam
Province: Long An
The Wall: Panel 18W - Row 103
Marroquin, Pedro Jr.
Home of Record (official): CHICAGO, IL
Date of Birth: Thursday, January 25, 1945
Sex: Male
Race: Caucasian
Marital Status: Single
Rank: SP4
Serial Number: 55861185
Component: Selective Service
Pay grade: E4
MOS (Military Occupational Specialty code): 91B20
Major Organization: 9th Infantry Division
Start of Tour: Thursday, December 1, 1966
Date of Casualty: Sunday, March 19, 1967
Age at time of loss: 22
Casualty type: (A1) Hostile, died
Reason: Multiple fragmentation wounds (Ground casualty)
Country: South VietNam
Province: Kien Hoa
The Wall: Panel 16E - Row 112
McGarvey, William Bernard
Home of Record (official): LOYSVILLE, PA
Date of Birth: Tuesday, April 24, 1945
Sex: Male
Race: Caucasian
Marital Status: Single
Rank: SP4
Serial Number: 52668578
Component: Selective Service
Pay grade: E4
MOS (Military Occupational Specialty code): 11D20
Major Organization: 9th Infantry Division
Start of Tour: Tuesday, April 25, 1967
Date of Casualty: Saturday, November 18, 1967
Age at time of loss: 22
Casualty type: (A1) Hostile, died
Reason: Multiple fragmentation wounds (Ground casualty)
Country: South VietNam
Province: Dinh Tuong
The Wall: Panel 30E - Row 017
Milbrodt, Gerald Lee
Home of Record (official): SLEEPY EYE, MN
Date of Birth: Wednesday, August 13, 1947
Sex: Male
Race: Caucasian
Marital Status: Single
Rank: PFC
Serial Number: 56501826
Component: Selective Service
Pay grade: E3
MOS (Military Occupational Specialty code): 11D10
Major Organization: 9th Infantry Division
Start of Tour: Sunday, January 7, 1968
Date of Casualty: Friday, February 16, 1968
Age at time of loss: 20
Casualty type: (A1) Hostile, died
Reason: Gun, small arms fire (Ground casualty)
Country: South VietNam
Province: Dinh Tuong
The Wall: Panel 39E - Row 063
Miner, Michael David
Home of Record (official): BROWNFIELD, PA
Date of Birth: Sunday, September 21, 1947
Sex: Male
Race: Caucasian
Marital Status: Single
Rank: PFC
Serial Number: 52852779
Component: Selective Service
Pay grade: E3
MOS (Military Occupational Specialty code): 91A10
Major Organization:
HHC Co., 9th Infantry Division
Start of Tour: Monday, July 31, 1967
Date of Casualty: Wednesday, September 13, 1967
Age at time of loss: 19
Casualty type: (A1) Hostile, died
Reason: Gun, small arms fire (Ground casualty)
Country: South VietNam
Province: Dinh Tuong
The Wall: Panel 26E - Row 067
Mummert, Allen Lawrence
Home of Record (official): LANARK, IL
Date of Birth: Tuesday, December 3, 1946
Sex: Male
Race: Caucasian
Marital Status: Single
Rank: SP4
Serial Number: 54816979
Component: Selective Service
Pay grade: E4
MOS (Military Occupational Specialty code): 11D20
Major Organization: 9th Inf Div
Start of Tour: Monday, October 23, 1967
Date of Casualty: Thursday, February 8, 1968
Age at time of loss: 21
Casualty type: (A1) Hostile, died
Reason: Multiple fragmentation wounds (Ground casualty)
Country: South VietNam
Province: Dinh Tuong
The Wall: Panel 38E - Row 034
Peake, Joe Louis
Home of
Record (official): JAMAICA, NY
Date of Birth: Thursday, July 8, 1937
Sex: Male
Race: Negro
Marital Status: Married
Rank: SGT
Serial Number: 14561701
Component: Regular
Posthumous promotion as indicated
Pay grade: E4
MOS (Military Occupational Specialty code): 63C20
Major Organization:
HHC Co.,
9th Infantry Division
Start of Tour: Sunday, November 26, 1967
Date of Casualty: Wednesday, February 21, 1968
Age at time of loss: 30
Casualty type: (C1) Non-hostile, died of other causes
Reason: Unknown / Not reported (Ground casualty)
Country: South VietNam
Province: Gia Dinh
The Wall: Panel 40E - Row 052
Purcell, Larry Joe
Home of Record (official): EMPIRE, AL
Date of Birth: Sunday, August 28, 1947
Sex: Male
Race: Caucasian
Marital Status: Married
Rank: SGT
Serial Number:53842839
Component: Selective Service
Pay grade: E5
MOS (Military Occupational Specialty code):11B40
Major Organization:
HHC Co., 9th Infantry Division
Start of Tour: May 16, 1968
Date of Casualty: August 12, 1968
Age at time of loss: 20
Casualty type: (A1) Hostile, died
Reason: Gun, small arms fire (Ground casualty)
Country: South VietNam
Province: Long An
The Wall: Panel 84W - Row 03
Quin, Cullen Wood
Home of Record (official): CHICAGO, IL
Date of Birth: Saturday, July 5, 1947
Sex: Male
Race: Negro
Marital Status: Single
Rank: CPL
Serial Number: 54810499
Component: Selective Service
Posthumous promotion as indicated
Pay grade: E3
MOS (Military Occupational Specialty code): 76P10
Major Organization: 9th Infantry Division
Start of Tour: Friday, March 31, 1967
Date of Casualty: Friday, February 16, 1968
Age at time of loss: 20
Casualty type: (A1) Hostile, died
Reason: Multiple fragmentation wounds (Ground casualty)
Country: South VietNam
Province: Dinh Tuong
The Wall: Panel 39E - Row 065
Ramos, Roland Rolando
Home of Record (official): HALEIWA, HI
Date of Birth: Sunday, February 24, 1946
Sex: Male
Race: Malayan
Marital Status: Single
Rank: SGT
Serial Number: 50012458
Component: Selective Service
Pay grade: E5
MOS (Military Occupational Specialty code): 11B40
Major Organization: 9th Infantry Division
Start of Tour: Friday, December 9, 1966
Date of Casualty: Monday, May 15, 1967
Age at time of loss: 21
Casualty type: (A1) Hostile, died
Reason: Multiple fragmentation wounds (Ground casualty)
Country: South VietNam
Province: Go Cong
The Wall: Panel 20E - Row 003
Reistroffer, Daniel Phillip
Home of Record (official): CLINTON, IA
Date of Birth: Wednesday, February 18, 1948
Sex: Male
Race: Caucasian
Marital Status: Single
Rank: CPL
Serial Number: 16921998
Component: Regular
Posthumous promotion as indicated
Pay grade: E3
MOS (Military Occupational Specialty code): 91B20
Major Organization:
HHC CO., 9th Infantry Division
Start of Tour: Monday, February 5, 1968
Date of Casualty: Monday, May 13, 1968
Age at time of loss: 20
Casualty type: (A1) Hostile, died
Reason: Gun, small arms fire (Ground casualty)
Country: South VietNam
Province: Long An
The Wall: Panel 60E - Row 001
Scala, Richard Michael
Home of Record (official): NEW YORK, NY
Date of Birth: Tuesday, September 9, 1947
Sex: Male
Race: Caucasian
Marital Status: Single
Rank: CPL
Serial Number: 52748614
Component: Selective Service
Posthumous promotion as indicated
Pay grade: E3
MOS (Military Occupational Specialty code): 11B10
Major Organization: 9th Infantry Division
Start of Tour: Friday, April 28, 1967
Date of Casualty: Sunday, February 25, 1968
Age at time of loss: 20
Casualty type: (A1) Hostile, died
Reason: Multiple fragmentation wounds (Ground casualty)
Country: South VietNam
Province: Dinh Tuong
The Wall: Panel 41E - Row 028
Scott, Hugh Don
Home of Record (official): ADRIAN, MI
Date of Birth: Friday, August 1, 1947
Sex: Male
Race: Caucasian
Marital Status: Married
Rank: CPL
Serial Number: 54563559
Component: Selective Service
Posthumous promotion as indicated
Pay grade: E3
MOS (Military Occupational Specialty code): 11B10
Major Organization: 9th Infantry Division
Start of Tour: Wednesday, May 10, 1967
Date of Casualty: Saturday, November 18, 1967
Age at time of loss: 20
Casualty type: (A1) Hostile, died
Reason: Multiple fragmentation wounds (Ground casualty)
Country: South VietNam
Province: Dinh Tuong
The Wall: Panel 30E - Row 019
Sikorski, Leo Peter
Home of Record (official): DETROIT, MI
Date of Birth: Saturday, July 29, 1933
Sex: Male
Race: Caucasian
Marital Status: Married
Rank: LTC
Serial Number: 373306042
Component: Regular
Pay grade: O5
MOS (Military Occupational Specialty code): 1542
Major Organization: 9th Infantry Division
Start of Tour: Wednesday, May 7, 1969
Date of Casualty: Wednesday, September 17, 1969
Age at time of loss: 36
Casualty type: (C1) Non-hostile, died of other causes
Reason: Air loss - Crashed on land (Helicopter, non-crew)
Country: South VietNam
Province: Long An
The Wall: Panel 18W - Row 105
Smalls, Bernard Augustus
Home of Record (official): JACKSONVILLE, FL
Date of Birth: Saturday, June 11, 1949
Sex: Male
Race: Negro
Marital Status: Single
Rank: SGT
Serial Number: 12888019
Component: Regular
Posthumous promotion as indicated
Pay grade: E4
MOS (Military Occupational Specialty code): 63B20
Major Organization:
HHC Co., 9th Infantry Division
Start of Tour: Monday, February 26, 1968
Date of Casualty: Saturday, May 25, 1968
Age at time of loss: 18
Casualty type: (A1) Hostile, died
Reason: Multiple fragmentation wounds (Ground casualty)
Country: South VietNam
Province: Gia Dinh
The Wall: Panel 67W - Row 004
Smith, Tommy Lee
Home of Record (official): PRESTON, GA
Date of Birth: Tuesday, May 9, 1944
Sex: Male
Race: Negro
Marital Status: Single
Rank: PFC
Serial Number: 53434109
Component: Selective Service
Posthumous promotion as indicated
Pay grade: E3
MOS (Military Occupational Specialty code): 11D10
Major Organization: 9th Infantry Division
Start of Tour: Sunday, May 14, 1967
Date of Casualty: Tuesday, June 13, 1967
Age at time of loss: 23
Casualty type: (A1) Hostile, died
Reason: Gun, small arms fire (Ground casualty)
Country: South VietNam
Province: Long An
The Wall: Panel 21E - Row 099
Steffens, Walter Frederick
Home of Record (official):
Date of Birth: Tuesday, September 1, 1946
Sex: Male
Race: Caucasian
Marital Status: Married
Rank: SP4
Serial Number:
Component: Selective Service
Pay grade: E4
MOS (Military Occupational Specialty code): 11B20
Major Organization: 9th Infantry Division
Start of Tour: Sunday, December 13, 1966
Date of Casualty: September 13, 1967
Age at time of loss: 21
Casualty type: (A1) Hostile, died
Multiple Fragmentation Wounds
Country: South VietNam
Dinh Tuong
The Wall:
Panel 26E - Row 067
Tiffany, David L.
Home of Record (official): RIVERSIDE, CA
Date of Birth: Sunday, July 24, 1949
Sex: Male
Race: Caucasian
Marital Status: Single
Rank: SP5
Serial Number: 18852162
Component: Regular
Pay grade: E5
MOS (Military Occupational Specialty code): 11B40
Major Organization: 9th Infantry Division
Start of Tour: Thursday, September 5, 1968
Date of Casualty: Wednesday, May 28, 1969
Age at time of loss: 19
Casualty type: (A1) Hostile, died
Reason: Gun, small arms fire (Ground casualty)
Country: South VietNam
Province: Long An
The Wall: Panel 23W - Row 012
Westphal, Glenn A.
Home of
Record (official): MICHIGAN CITY, IN
Date of Birth: Wednesday, May 19, 1948
Sex: Male
Race: Caucasian
Marital Status: Single
Rank: SP5
Serial Number: 16858569
Component: Regular
Pay grade: E5
MOS (Military Occupational Specialty code): 63C20
Major Organization:
HHC Co.,
9th Infantry Division
Start of Tour: Sunday, March 12, 1967
Date of Casualty: Sunday, April 7, 1968
Age at time of loss: 19
Casualty type: (A1) Hostile, died
Reason: Artillery, rocket, mortar (Ground casualty)
Country: South VietNam
Province: Long An
The Wall: Panel 48E - Row 049
Zeller, Michael Charles
Home of Record (official): WAMEGO, KS
Date of Birth: Tuesday, September 2, 1947
Sex: Male
Race: Caucasian
Marital Status: Single
Rank: SP4
Serial Number: 55984877
Component: Selective Service
Pay grade: E4
MOS (Military Occupational Specialty code): 91A10
Major Organization:
HHC Co., 9th Infantry Division
Start of Tour: Wednesday, October 4, 1967
Date of Casualty: Sunday, February 25, 1968
Age at time of loss: 20
Casualty type: (A1) Hostile, died
Reason: Burns (Ground casualty)
Country: South VietNam
Province: Dinh Tuong
The Wall: Panel 41E - Row 034